Monday, August 17, 2009

For Autumn

Since I am pretty sure that you are the only one that comes here, I'll give you an update. I am down 20-25 pounds since November (my heaviest), not where I want to be yet, but I am okay with my body now and I feel better. I am thinking about banning wheat from my diet - my body doesn't handle it well. I am also going to try working out more soon - it is always going to happen soon.
I have been getting things in order, slowly and room by room. I am in love with how my bedroom is turning out and I am also happy with the bathroom, I started with the smallest room and am working up. While I am very willing to get rid of stuff, but the laziness that is keeping me from taking it down to the car is overwhelming, so our storage room is stuffed full of clothing to get rid of.
Things are going well, I'll give specifics later - maybe pictures or something.

1 comment:

  1. 20-25lbs...that is incredible. I am really excited for you and even more excited that you are doing this conciously and making such awesome choices for your body and your baby one day! Pregnancy kind of shocked me into taking care of is a weird feeling to all of a sudden go from "who cares how much caffine or how many drinks or what I eat" to
    "I am feeding another person through what I eat " also kind of sad that I didn't care too much about what I was doing for myself but now that I have a 'responsibility' I care. Regaurdless, you are doing this in a good order...I am impressed. We just finished redoing our bedroom and I am solidly in love with it...It does good things to me to get rid of stuff but It takes me forever too. I have big boxes full and just stack them on our patio (white trash much?). I will go to goodwill soon...I will!
