Wednesday, November 10, 2010

25 week update (no picture, sorry)

How far along? 25 and half weeks

Total weight gain?
7-10lbs (7lbs at 24wk appt)

Baby weighs?
a pound and a half and almost 9 inches

Stretch marks?
not yet.

Maternity clothes?
heck yes and it might be hard to get me back out of them

decent - I don't remember the last time I slept through the night even before I was preggers

Best moment of the week?
Prenatal yoga class for free on Thurs.

Don't know - leaning towards boy, as are most people that wager a guess. There were a few guesses by patients last week for girl - saying something about being able to tell because of my face (not sure how I feel about that.)

Tons - you can see it now, crazy!

Labor signs?
Nope, maybe a couple braxton hicks.

Belly button?
In and I doubt that it will ever go out, although there has been a slight shallowing.

Doing a full body lay down stretch without getting this weird sharp abdominal pain, bending easily, more lung capacity, not gagging while brushing my teeth.

Food Cravings?
Pagliacci's Goat cheese primo pizza. In general - cheese and carbs. There was one week that I ate four Panera Mediterranean Veggie Sandwich - I will still eat that when ever I am given the chance.

Looking forward to?
Oh, I don't know, maybe a baby.

Only 15 more weeks!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fighting the urge

Occasionally, I have to fight the urge to buy a pregnancy test even though I know that there is a baby in there. I just want the reassurance. It seems impossible or like a mistake that everyone is making. It is not so much that I think that something has happened to make me not pregnant (although there is that fear as well), it is that I was never in the first place, that I have somehow convinced myself, husband, doctor, and ultrasound tech that I am in fact pregnant. The ultrasound helped to convince me, but it all seems so unreal still. I bought a fetal heart rate monitor just so I could hear that wonderful sound between doctor appointments.
Maybe it's because I don't feel different enough, besides the food aversions, growing belly, my inability to roll onto my stomach or pull my knee up to my chest, my thinking and life isn't different enough considering how fundamentally it is going to be rocked in a few short months. I am thinking that by the time I can't tie my shoes it will have sunk in.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hey I am really pregnant - like half way done almost, crazy. No guarantees, but I will try to keep this updated.
So I am almost 19 weeks and I am feeling decent, not fantastic. The belly is showing and there is something moving in there, baby? gas? tap worm? We aren't finding out the sex but we kind of think that it is a boy.
Now that we are caught up, grow, baby, grow!