Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I was concerned about heavy metals in my body - apparently the symptoms for having to much of those describes me. So I have been kicking around the idea of a detox for a week or so and finally bought a kit and started yesterday. To start the morning I swallowed 4 "UltraCaps" of "FiberFusion" - no kidding does that not sound dangerous- and I was supposed to drink like 64 oz of water through out the day (I may have made it to 32). And then before I went to bed, another 4 "FiberFusion" missiles, 1 "Super Milk Thistle," and (not joking) 3 (THREE!) "Whole Body Cleanse Laxative Formula." I then went to bed expecting disaster or at least a hurried trip to the bathroom in the middle of the night, but no, besides the pee trip at 2am because of the 12oz of water that I chugged right before bed, nothing. And as of yet today - still not much movement, some movement, but not what I was wanting. I did get up and take 4"FF"s this morning and I will take the cocktail of 8 pills tonight, maybe I should be doing better on their diet tips which include no highly processed foods, avoiding foods with refined flour, sugar, saturated fats, and artificial sweeteners, no caffeine or alcohol, limiting beef, pork, cold cuts, sausage, bacon, hotdogs, shellfish, soy products, peanuts, refined oils, margarine or shortening, oh, and a minimum amount of dairy and wheat. I know that this still leaves many foods to eat, like leaves, but, come on - dairy? soy products? BACON?
Any-who. I'll keep you posted - I was down 5lbs this morning, even without pooping. So that's good.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, you basically can't eat?! Those pills sound terrifying and SUPER appealing all at once. I am trying to eat healthy, but succumbing to all things bad pretty often. I will have to detox post baby just to help lose some weight! 5lbs is huge, Impressive!
